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Settling In


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Settling In

November 19, 2019 Los Angeles

Settling In

It’s been a little over a week since we moved to Los Angeles and although we don’t have much, it’s starting to feel more like home each day. I wrote a caption on my instagram the day I left Toronto, stating that the hard part was over…well I could have been a little wrong about that one. I really don’t think I comprehended how much we were starting from scratch until we walked into our new apartment…

Written By Kayla Seah

The lack of furniture didn't really freak me out as much as the small things did. You don't realize how many little day to day things you use until you don't have them anymore. I tried to prepare us as much as I could before arriving, so I had bed sheets, a mattress and some towels delivered the day before got to LA to get us through. That was super helpful but we immediately ran to Target to get the other necessary items to hold us over. The rest of the week has been furniture hunting, sorting out paper work and just figuring out this new life in general. To be completely honest it's been a lot to take on, things have gone completely wrong and then they have gone completely right, you can't control it and I really had to let go and just trust the journey. Deep down I think I knew how stressful this would be but I also know that anything I've ever wanted in life has always been overwhelming and in the end it's always worth it. As much as we don't have it all figured out just yet, when we drive around this city there is a sense of calmness and happiness that comes over both of us and that's all we need to get us through. 





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