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Chia Seed Water


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Chia Seed Water

March 19, 2014

Chia Seed Water

Written By Kayla Seah

Here I am again with my love for chia seeds. Since I sprinkle these guys on salad, yogurt and smoothies already, I figured why not create another way to get these bundles of health into my diet. When chia seeds are soaked in water, a gelatinous coating forms that makes them soften; it definitely creates a certain texture that might not be for all, but I absolutely love it. This is a great on-the-go drink and easy way to get omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. I mix them with coconut water and a bit of lemon, shake it up in a jar, and let it sit for at least 10 minutes. That’s it! Delicious, healthy and a natural energy drink that won’t ruin your insides. If you want to learn more about these little guys, check out my chia seed smoothie post here


Hier bin ich wieder mit meine liebe fuer Chiasamen. Ich misch die schon in Salate, Yogurt, und Smoothies, also warum nicht auch Wasser? Noch besser: Kokoswasser, mit ein bisschen Zitrone. Die Textur ist nicht fuer jeden — die Chiasamen werden durch das Wasser etwas gallertartig — aber mir macht’s nichts aus. Es ist der perfekte weg Omega-3-Fettsäuren in dein Diät zu bringen. Besser als Red Bull, oder?


Coconut Chia Seed Water 

1.5 cups natural coconut water; careful not to get the ones loaded with sugar! 

1 tbsp chia seeds 

1 lemon wedge squeezed

Honey is optional; I prefer not to, but I know lots who love it!



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