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The Story of Us


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The Story of Us

July 12, 2016

The Story of Us

Written By Kayla Seah



Photography by: ERIN LEYDON 

It’s not every day a girl gets to wear Dior, so instead of a typical outfit post, I wanted to create a romantic editorial to do justice to this beautiful collection. Something about this shoot made me feel a sense of love, whether that be for fashion, for photography, creativity or the actual act of being in love. With that said, I thought it might be the perfect occasion to share a personal story on how I fell in love this past year. First, let’s rewind seven years ago when my boyfriend Matt and I, first began our story.

 It all started at the good age of 18 years old. It was our first year in university and we fell “in love” quite quickly, one of those he could do nothing wrong in my eyes kind of loves. However, since we both went to separate schools and had a lot of maturing to do, naturally it didn’t last too long. We called it quits and decided to continue our friendship on and off for years. We remained fairly close but we moved on to other amazing relationships that helped us grow and taught us a lot about ourselves. Now let’s fast forward – I ended up moving countries, focused on creating a new start and will be forever grateful for that certain time in my life. But like they say, your true feelings will always catch up to you. If I was being completely honest with myself, I knew that our story wasn’t over yet and I refused to live a life of, “What if?.

I decided to leave Berlin for numerous reasons and as much as it was a painful goodbye, I knew I was doing the right thing. Throughout this emotional rollercoaster, I learned you shouldn’t fake being okay, even if it hurts the people around you. You end up hurting yourself, you allow it to consume you and you lose focus and balance in life. I can’t stress how important it is to listen to that gut feeling once and awhile, amazing things can happen when you get honest with yourself.

Fortunately, Matt and I never gave up on each other and as of last year we finally got to continue our story – proving to me that when a connection is real…they simple never die.
They can be buried or ignored but never broken.



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